Remember!! Always check your set up dimensions, length, beam, sheer height, against the AMYA plans if you are building a model for the Star45 Class. Your choice of wood and coverings need to be considered as they impact the final dimensions of the completed models.
{AMYA STAR45 hull specifcation 2006}
1.2 Hull length will be 45 inches (plus or minus one half (1/2) inch overall. (NOTE: this does not include any chain plate for backstay attachment, or 1/4 inch bow bumper if used. However, if the chain plate is attached to the transom or overhangs the transom, it may not extend beyond the transom more than 3/8 of a inch.) Hulls may not be less than 11 inches nor exceed 12 inches in beam when measured at the widest point on the deck. (Rubrails are not included in measuring but will not exceed 1/4 inch of thickness/width.)
8.30.2010 S45 yahoo forum Ray wrote: >
need to know what are the vertical > slot in frames 4,5,and 6 for also what size stringer goes into frames right > at the bottom where the bottom of hull meets the side of the boat also there > seems too be a slot for another brace on frames 4,5,and 6 directly under the > vertical slots.
Thanks Ray from Down Under
the vertical slots are for the radio tray if you use it. the extra vertical slots by the king plank are just extra strength for the keel area. Chines are 1/4" X 1/4" or 6.4mm sq.

Notched balsa is glued to the building board using a straight edge to make sure it stays straight.

The vertical part of the building jig is installed once the stern section is assembled

Key shadows are in placed using notches in building board jig. Midway templates may be placed between these shadows if necessary.
John On 8/30/10,
Where do you get the balso jig parts from?