From: John Whiteford
G'day ,
Great morning yesterday when we launched Oribi tho for the first time for some time the weather was overcast and the wind fickle. However all went well and she looked pretty good and some good comments from the few members there. Had a couple of nice gusts which pushed her along and she went well, so looking forward to next time. Took heaps of photos and attach the best here. Must qualify the CHRISTENING!! The phial in Julia's hand contains red wine which she rubbed over the bow with her finger....not allowed to take alcohol into this park!! So I drank the rest last night!!!!! Also please note the cap in PROUD OWNERS. I got quite a few comments re this!!! and stirred them up!!! I was wondering if any of these should be placed on the Star45 website and where. If you think so would you be kind enough to copy them there for me please Don. Also thanks for the advice on the bow bumper and will sort something out along that idea.
Kind regards,

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