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Drum Servo with Jib Tweaker from Dave Ramos

From: David Ramos To:
Sent: Fri, 14 Nov 2008 10:23 am
The following photos show my set up for a drum servo and jib tweaker.

Main sheet is 2:1 and jib sheet is 1:1

Hope this helps
David Ramos
Chesapeake Performance Models
227 Main Street
Stevensville, MD 21666


The Star 45 R/C Model Sail Boat

The Star 45 R/C Model Sail Boat - Builders Journal
The Star 45 R/C Model Sail Boat - Builders Journal

Construction photographs, articles about the Star 45. -- Join the AMYA STAR45 Class discussion group -- Read about How To Build A Wooden Star45 R/C Sailing Model! Browse Based on the International Star Boat this semi-scale Star45 can be scratch built by novice or seasoned skipper. Easily radio controlled and large enough to see out on the water this is a classic model model built by hobbyists for over thirty years!


1/16 and 1/8 plywood

Boulter Plywood in Summerville, MA carries ( 1/16 ?) and 1/8 okoume plywood for a fraction of the cost of the on line hobby stores.

They also carry Baltic Birch plywood: 1/16'' and 1/8''
toll free at 888 - 9 LUMBER. (888) - 958 - 6237
or Email:


Okoume Plywood Information:

1.Face / back: okoume Core: poplar, hardwood, pine ,

2.Size: 1,220 x 2,440mm, 1,250mm x 2,500mm, 915 x 1,830mm or as requested

3.Thickness: 3.5mm-30mm

4.Glue: WBP, MR, E1, E2


Wood Properties of Okoume from

Okoume Alternative Name 1

Okoume Available as Veneer

Okoume Bending Strength

Okoume Blunting of Tool Blades
Moderate to Severe

Okoume Botanical Name
Aucoumea klaineana

Okoume Carving
Average to somewhat difficult to carve

Okoume Clear Finish or Varnish

Okoume Color of Wood
Pink Brown

Okoume Density

Okoume Drilling
Fair or Satisfactory

Okoume Gluing

Okoume Grain
Mostly Straight

Okoume Hand Tooling

Okoume Hardness
Soft, easy to dent

Okoume Hardwood or Softwood

Okoume Harmful Properties
Non Toxic

Okoume Mortising
Fair or satisfactory

Okoume Nail Holding
Good- Nails are fairly difficult to pull out

Okoume Nailing
Fair - may require pre-drilled pilot hole especially near ends

Okoume Natural Durability

Okoume Polishing

Okoume Sanding
Fair or satisfactory

Okoume Sawing
Moderate cutting resistance

Okoume Screw Holding
Good - Fairly difficult to remove screws

Okoume Screwing
Fair - May require pre-drilled pilot holes especially near ends

Okoume Size of Pores
Insufficient Data Available

Okoume Staining
Fair - May stain unevenly or change colors

Okoume Steam Bending

Okoume Stiffness

Okoume Surface Preparation for Finishing

Okoume Texture of the Wood

Okoume Weight

Okoume Wood Defects
Check (or split,) warp


Dave's R/C Friendship Sloop model Florida

Another of Dave Mainwaring's, Friendship Sloops:
R/C fiberglass, built in 1970

R/C model Friendship Sloop

Another of Dave Mainwaring's R/C Friendship Sloops,
medium size models make nice display models
However they are tender on windy days.

Pemiquid style Friendship Sloop R/C ,model

Billy Hogan with his Friendship Sloop.
January 2005
kit was circa 1971 from Dave Mainwaring
They make a beautiful R/C sailing model

Friendship Sloop - Pemiquid

Billy Hogan with his Friendship Sloop.
January 2005
kit was circa 1971 from Dave Mainwaring
They make a beautiful R/C sailing model

Top view 42in Jonesport Lobster Boat model

Posted by Hello

Jonesport model under construction, , 42 inch glass hull

Posted by target='ext'>Hello

Posted by Hello

Dave Mainwaring, 42 inch model under construction

Fibre Glast Developments _ Estimating Materials

The Fundamentals of Fiberglass - Fibre Glast Developments: "Worksheet For Estimating Materials

1) Begin by calculating the surface area of the project. Estimate irregular shapes by measuring the approximate sized rectangles necessary to contain the tapered areas. Multiply the length times the width for each rectangle, and then add all of individual rectangles together to get the total surface area of the part. If the calculation is in square feet, divide by 9 to get square yards.

2) Make a list of each type of reinforcement being considered for the lamination. Multiply the square yards calculated above times the ounce weight of the fabric. This is the total weight of one layer of that material. It is also the amount of resin required to saturate it. When this is known for two or three different types of materials, it is possible to calculate the weight and cost of a laminate constructed from any combination of these fabrics. To convert the ounce weight to pounds, divide by 16. Those inexperienced in saturating fiberglass tend to use far too much resin. A well saturated laminate is uniformly translucent, without milky appearing dry spots, but for the sake of weight and cost, has little excess resin in it."

The Fundamentals of Fiberglass - Fibre Glass Developments

The Fundamentals of Fiberglass - Fibre Glass Developments: "Estimating Material Weights And Cost

Accurate material estimates are necessary for two reasons.First, they obviously are needed for proper ordering, material stocking, and bidding of projects. More importantly though, estimates offer the opportunity to calculate the weight or cost of the part using a variety of laminating schedules before beginning to build.

Unlike estimating coverage when painting, resin usage will vary depending on the type of reinforcement being used. The heavier the fabric, the more resin it will take to wet it out. A good hand laminate consists of about 50% fabric and 50% resin by weight. For example, if an application requires 3 sq yds of a 4 oz/sq yd fabric (total fabric weight = 12 ounces), 12 oz of resin will also be needed. However, if 3 yards of 10 oz/sq yd fabric is chosen (total fabric weight = 30 ounces), 30 oz. of resin will be needed.

Glass mat requires a minimum of 2 ounces of resin for each ounce of mat. Therefore, it the application calls for 20 sq feet of 1-1/2 oz/sq ft mat, it will require a minimum of 60 ounces of resin. Remember that mat is specified in ounces per square foot, where fabrics are specified in ounces per square yard. 1-1/2 oz/ sq ft chopped mat actually weighs 13.5 oz/ sq yd!

Since there are so many possible combinations of materials, one should calculate the weight and cost of a single layer using a variety of reinforcements. These can then be added or subtracted form the theoretical laminate until the design properties are achieved."